After a pleasant stay in Barcelona, it is now time to go to Barcelona International Airport.
As a reminder, here is the planned itinerary:
Check-In and ground experience
We check-in online 24 hours before the departure of our flight to London, via the British Airways application.
My wife will be in economy class while I will be in business class.
We arrive at the Barcelona airport about 2h30 before the scheduled flight departure. We head to the British Airways check-in, which will be chaotic. The priority line will take almost 45 minutes for us to get to the counter to drop off our luggage.
We then access priority security, deserted and then automatic immigration, also deserted.
The lounge is located below the boarding gates, near gate D.
Lounge design
The design of the lounge is quite elegant, in shades of black and gray.
Various spaces are available: lounging dining, work. We will sit comfortably in one of the available sofas.
The catering offer will be only cold, but quite extensive. I will not enjoy it, and will settle for Diet Coke.
Bottom line
A pleasant lounge, but whose capacity could be quickly exceeded in case of high attendance.