Gothenburg-Copenhagen on SAS en SAS Plus: a complicated disembarkation

An almost routine, uneventful flight from Gothenburg to Copenhagen on SAS en SAS plus, except that for once I did it in a 320 Neo and, above all, that disembarkation was chaotic to say the least. Here I am, in...

Gothenburg-Copenhagen by SAS More about SAS: 35 minutes in the clouds

SAS's Gothenburg-Copenhagen is so short that you can't expect anything in terms of service, but at least it's very convenient. Off to Copenhagen, from where I'll catch a flight to Chicago. Even though I'm an absolute fan of flying, I...

Gothenburg-Copenhagen on SAS Plus: a short hop under the snow

This short flight between Gothenburg and Copenhagen has above all the opportunity to fly on an ATR 42 and see beautiful winter landscapes. Just arrived in Gothenburg and just left after a very short night. A short flight to Copenhagen...