
Tag: skyroam

Data abroad: eSIM or wifi hotspot?

Using the Internet on your cell phone abroad has become a necessity, and is horrendously expensive. But there are ways of making the bill acceptable. These include, but are not limited to, the esim. What was a useful but not...

Electronic devices when traveling: the must-have accessories in my carry-on bag

For some people, preparing a trip, no matter how long it is, turns into an ordeal when it comes to packing with the fear of forgetting something essential. It is obvious that when you travel a lot you do...

Roaming while traveling: stop being ripped off by your carrier with Skyroam Solis

Our phones have become so pervasive that it's hard to do without them when traveling. I would say especially when traveling where you may be constantly looking for information, where you may need to book a car, check the...